Need a phone number?
Want to speak to customer services?
Number Search is a directory of useful phone numbers, that forward your calls to companies you would like to talk to. We are a UK company that is continuously growing, to provide you with a simple way to get in touch with customer services on all of the companies and organisations that you speak to on a regular basis.
Find a phone number fast

Need to contact a company or organisation? Can’t find the right number? Let us forward your call to the right number quickly and easily by searching for the company your are looking for on our website.
Transparent call charges

Please see your telephone service provider for costs on call charges and connection charges to companies and organisations within the UK. Call charges to numbers like 0843 cost 7 pence per minute, in additions to a nominal access charge.
Speak to customer services

Trying to get hold of customer services or technical for a company or organisation? Let us forward your call to the right place, so you can speak to the department you require.
Retail Phone Numbers
- Amazon – 0845 459 6217
- Apple – 0844 318 5842
- Argos – 0845 459 2103
- Asda – 0845 459 6240
- ASOS – 0844 318 7848
- Boots – 0845 459 2102
- Ikea UK – 0845 459 7356
- John Lewis – 0844 318 7594
- Next – 0845 459 0433
- Not On The High Street – 0845 459 7484
- Pretty Little Thing – 0845 459 8130
- Primark UK – 0845 459 0015
- Sainsbury’s – 0845 459 0113
- See Tickets – 0845 459 9770
- Tesco – 0845 459 7379
- Very – 0845 459 9863