Number Search is a UK based company.  Our aim is simple.   We want to help put you in touch with the people you need to speak to.  We are growing our directory of telephones numbers, that connect you to the department or customer support you wish to speak to.

Number Search understands that it is sometimes difficult to find the right number for the department you are trying to get in touch with.  That’s why we provide a service to help you speak to the right department in the right company.  We want to save you time and hassle by making it simple to search for a number, call a number and be forwarded to the company you need to speak to.

How Number Search Can Help You

We are always expanding our database so we can put you in touch with the businesses, companies and organisations you need to speak to.  If you cannot find the business, company or organisation you are looking for, please let us know and we will add it to our directory for you.


UK Based Company


Working phone numbers

Can’t find what you are looking for?


Number Search is a UK based service that forwards your calls to the people you want to speak to.  We offer a service to help you get in touch with the businesses, companies or organisations you want to call.  We are not associated or affiliated with the companies we list in our directory.  Call charges are subject to your telephone service provider and you should always check your call charges depending on the telephone prefix number.

Terms & Conditions

Our terms & conditions and privacy policy can be found in the footer menu or sitemap.  You must obtain permission from the bill payer before making a call and the bill payer must be 18 or over.  By using our services, you are agreeing to our terms & conditions and understand the service we provide.

Number Search is not associated with the businesses, companies and organisations with whom we put you in contact with.  Our telephone numbers provide a service that forwards your call to the business, company or organisation you wish to speak to.  Please ensure you are over 18 and you have the permission of the bill payer before making your call.