What a fantastic idea to give your coats for the homeless! Will you be purchasing a new coat or jacket this winter? Why not treat yourself to a new coat from Very, with free delivery to your nearest convenience store and go put your old coat on a tree for the homeless.

What to do with your old coats

If you have spare coats, either contact one of the charities below, or simply take them to your nearest town centre and wrap them around a tree.  Putting your coat on a tree will keep it dry until a homeless person spots it.  It is useful to attach a large label to the coat, to try and prevent people from taking the coat who do not need it.

Get the kids involved

Do you want to get your kids involve in showing compassion and helping others?  Take them along to pick a tree and get them to write the note on the coat.

Your message label on the coat

Be inventive your your message, as it will bring a smile to someone’s face on a cold winters night.  Example of a message could be:

“This coat has been left on this tree to help someone that needs to keep warm this winter.  Take this warm hug from us if you need this coat”.

Human Appeal run a charity for the homeless in the UK major cities.  They are currently collecting your warm clothes that you would like to donate to charity.  If you would like to get involved, please contact them directly.

Human Appeal run Wrap Up Manchester, Wrap Up Birmingham and Wrap Up Glasgow in Partnership with HandsOn London who run Wrap Up London. Wrap Up London drive a proactive campaign each winter, collecting a phenomenal number of coats for the homeless.